Thursday, February 20, 2014

Interview with the Military Mistress, Tessa Teevan

Twenty Questions with Tessa Teevan
Interviewed by Ella Fox

 Have you always read romance?  If so, what is the first romance book that you ever remember reading?

I started reading romance when I was a kid. One of the first romances that I can remember reading was some Christmas boxset. I wish I could remember what it was. The guy in the last book was super swoon-worthy, and all I can remember is that the chick had on a navy blue velvet dress (who wears velvet anymore?) and he pushed it off her shoulder and kissed the creamy skin of her shoulder, blah blah blah. It was my first taste of sex in a book and I was hooked! I’m still pissed I can’t remember what boxset that was. After that, I was introduced to Nora Roberts. For some reason, my high school library thought it was appropriate to have those on the shelves? I didn’t mind!

For a while I got really into thrillers and suspense. I read nothing but James Patterson and Tess Gerrittsen. Then two years ago, my husband was browsing the Internet and found this craze in Britain called Fifty Shades of Grey. Heard of it? Well, he bought them for me on my Nook and ever since then, I’ve been a romance freaking junkie, and I’ll never go back.
Talk to me about the “Ah-Ha” moment that you had that resulted in you sitting down to write your first book, “Ignite.”

Really? We’re going there? Oy vey. You know what? Let’s talk about Ignite. My sister asked me about coming to her high school reunion, in Navarre, and watching her 2 year old daughter while she and her husband did the social events. It kind of formed an idea in my head, but it never really got off the ground.

About a month later, Derek, my husband, and I were on the road to Chicago. Long story short, those first five words in Ignite? They came from him. I let them register for a moment. And then another moment. I glanced out the window, just like Lexi did, thankful I had my shades on. And then I pulled my pants up, whipped my iPhone out, and wrote the Prologue. I’m not ashamed to admit that. In marriage we all say things we don’t mean. It happens. That’s life. Part of what I love about the message in Ignite is that you need to choose your words carefully. You’ll never know when they’ll be your last.

Want to know those 5 words? Guess you’ll have to read the book! ;)
 One of the aspects of “Ignite” and “Incinerate” that I love so much is that you have the military lingo down.  In some stories, that can come off as forced, made up, or fanciful- with yours, it was all spot on.  I knew right away that you had some first-hand knowledge of military life.  I was pretty proud that my spider-senses were right when I found out that you had been in the Air National Guard!  Tell your readers a little bit about your years spent in the ANG. 

I think military romance is GREAT! I love anything that gives our men and women in the service recognition. They don’t get enough out it. That being said, sometimes stories are soo….over the top? Which, I get! It’s fiction. We all take liberties and that’s what’s great. I wanted my books to be as authentic as possible, so I used my experiences, as well as extensive research, to make sure that my military stuff was 100% genuine.

I’ve been in the Air National Guard for almost nine years. I’ve been to the Middle East twice, but I was never in a combat zone. It was still pretty scary being a 19 year old little blonde chick in a foreign country. That being said, I wouldn’t change a single thing about my service, and I’ve loved every minute of it!

How do you think your service affects the way that you write your heroes?

I think my service makes me want to portray my heroes as accurately as possible. Like I said before, this is fiction. Write what you want. No one can say anything because it’s your world and we’re just reading it! However, I want an Army wife to read my book, turn to her husband and read him an excerpt, and him say ‘yep, she know’s what she’s talking about.’ I’m all about authenticity when it comes to my characters.

 What is your writing process?  Do you write ‘in order’ from beginning to end, or do you write scenes as they come to you?

I write in order. I can’t, for the life of me, patch scenes together. My brain just won’t work that way.

 Where do you write?

I’m usually sitting on my futon with my legs propped up on an exercise ball, with my laptop on a tv tray. A Spotify playlist is almost always on in the background, and maybe a glass of wine or two… or three.

What is your favorite thing about writing?

Meeting my characters. I don’t outline. I have a general idea, and I go with it. As I type, it’s like my characters take hold of brain and my fingertips and they introduce themselves to me. They almost tell their story more than I do. Getting to know them? That’s the BEST! Speaking of, check out Knox. Gorgeous, right? You should probably pick up Incinerate and meet this guy!

Before you started writing, you were already a part of the Indie world due to the fact that you were a reviewer on Gutter Girls Book Reviews.  How do you think that blogging prepared you for publishing?

Prior to Gutter Girls, I had my own blog, Tessa’s Take. I started the blog right around the time I wrote the prologue for Ignite. I was already rating and reviewing books on Goodreads, so I thought I’d start my own blog to kind of get my name out there. Tessa’s Take took off! It was so much fun, and I even ended up as an editorial review in New York Times Bestseller Tangled. Seeing my quote in that paperback? Best day ever!

I think the blog helped prepare for what readers want. Or well, I thought it did. No reader is the same, and you won’t please everyone. But it did help me with how to pick effective teasers and excerpts, and it definitely let me know how important social media is for an author.

Where Ignite was a story about lost love and second chances, Incinerate is about letting go of the past and creating a better future.  Knox Wellington knocked my socks off, and I thought that Charlie was the perfect heroine.  Strong, feisty, funny and sweet.  What was the difference- for you- of telling a story about a relationship between people that just met and are both understandably wary, as opposed to Jace and Lexi’s story?

To be honest, Jace and Lexi’s story was, for the most part, easy for me to tell. The biggest struggle was dealing with Lexi’s struggles and fears as a young widow. I wanted to make her as authentic as possible. And you know what? It paid off in the end. For as many 1 or 2 stars that I get because of her, I will never forget the day that I got an email from a young woman who lost her fiancé at an early age. She thanked for me making Lexi hesitant, for showing the struggle. If no one but her understand that, I could care less.

Knox and Charlie were different. Jace was the ultimate guy. He’s the shit from the moment you meet him, and that doesn’t change. In Incinerate, you see the change in Knox. You see how Charlie affects him. I don’t want to say that she changes him, because, honestly, I think that would piss her off. But she brings for the Knox that’s been hiding for song long. And watching him go from a moody, broody guy, to being reduced to tears in a family setting? It’s beautiful. His character development shines through this book.

As much as I love Knox, Charlie takes the cake. She’s kickass, literally! She doesn’t let Knox get away with shit, and while she may seem hard at times, that’s exactly what he needs. Watching these two fall for each other was so much fun.

Are there any things that are practically guaranteed to inspire you?

            Music. I can hear a song and think, “There’s a story there.” Other than that, almost everything comes from my brain.

 What’s been your absolute favorite moment since you started on your publishing journey?

The best moment? Hmm. Well, I went to Thanksgiving, three weeks after I published Ignite, and I walked in the door, my aunt tells me she loves it, and my grandma was behind her, handing me a check saying that she needed five paperback copies to give to her friends. It was just a really awesome feeling. My grandma still contacts me to buy more paperbacks for people she knows!

 Tell us what projects you have coming up.

Oh gosh. I feel soooo busy! Well, I have a story coming up in April called Sweet Southern Sorrow. It’ll be a part of a super hot box set with a few other authors all featuring Southern Seduction Stories. It’s about a young couple falling in love, finding out their step-siblings, and the aftermath.

In May, I’ll be publishing Kale and Lucy’s story, the third book in the Explosive series.

Beyond that, I have stories for Cohen and Branson, the Wellington brothers. Then, I’ll be releasing a story about a breast cancer survivor, Emery Davidson. It’s going to be a busy year!!

 One of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen was a post from your grandmother to you about how proud she is of your writing and how much she was looking forward to reading Incinerate.  Your grandmother is AWESOME.  How does it feel to know that she reads and recommends your books?

It’s unreal. I’m reduced to tears when I see her posts. My parents disassociate themselves from my books, so it really means a lot that she is so supportive, but then again, she’s been that way my entire life. She’s my rock!

How did you tell your husband that you were going to write a book and what did he think when you first said it? 

I didn’t. He told me! It was his idea for me to write, and well, he influenced that prologue!! J He read Ignite and was very proud! He says Jace reminds him of himself! lol

 Your newest book is called Incinerate.  Give us the synopsis of the book.

Knox is a moody, broody ass who got his heart broken a long time ago and swore off women. Charlie is a badass chick who challenges him. Long story short…heads butts, chemistry sparks, and you’ll have to read the rest to find out!

Incinerate is book 2 in the Explosive series.  Tell your readers what (and who) the final installment of the series is about.  What is the expected release date?

The final installment is about a sweet, cute, hot playboy named Kale. He’s the funniest of the bunch, but his backstory? It’s the hardest. It kills me. Slays me. He breaks my heart.

FYI, Ladies, Kale is good for your health. I can’t give too much away, because you need to read it for yourselves, but Inflame will be out in May

Additionally, there will be a spinoff series with Knox’s brothers, Cohen and Branson. Trust me, I know you hate Branson. You won’t!!!

 You have a chance to go out with Jace or Knox.  Who do you choose and why?

Really?! REALLY?! This is just cruel! You know what? I’m going out with Jace. He’s my romantic. He’d anticipate my every need, and well, Jace was my first love. I love him. LOVE HIM!!

 Depending on who you chose, what would the ideal date with your book boyfriend be like? 

            This is the hardest question. I am the laziest person in the world. My ideal book boyfriend date would be: a fire, sexy movies on, and us lounging around naked getting busy. That’s all I need. So simple, right? I sound like a bum. Well, I am one. Wine me, dine me, I’m yours!

 What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure? Ummm… Literotica. A day does not go by that I don’t sign onto that site. Not a single freaking day. I will leave it at that!! And, well, wine. I'm a red wine junkie!

What is your favorite food?

            Grapes. Fermented ones. Meaning wine.  

Interviewed by:

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